Understanding NgRx in Angular: A Comprehensive Guide

Pawan Kumar
2 min readJan 9, 2024


Angular, being a powerful front-end framework, is equipped with various tools and libraries to handle state management efficiently. One such library that has gained immense popularity in the Angular ecosystem is NgRx.

What is NgRx?

NgRx is a set of reactive libraries for Angular that helps manage the state of your application. It is built on top of RxJS, which is the reactive programming library for JavaScript. NgRx facilitates the implementation of Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript applications, in Angular.

Key Concepts in NgRx:

  1. Store:
  • The central store holds the state of the entire application in a single immutable object.

2. Actions:

  • Actions are payloads of information that send data from your application to the store.

3. Reducers:

  • Reducers specify how the application’s state changes in response to actions.

4. Effects:

  • Effects are used for managing side effects in your application, such as asynchronous operations.

5. Selectors:

  • Selectors provide a way to efficiently compute derived data from the store.

Why Use NgRx?

  1. Predictable State Management:
  • NgRx enforces a unidirectional data flow, making it easier to understand and predict how data changes in the application.

2. Efficient Debugging:

  • With the help of the Redux DevTools, developers can easily trace and debug state changes.

3. Scalability:

  • NgRx scales well as your application grows, providing a structured and maintainable way to handle state.

4. Reusability:

  • Actions, reducers, and selectors can be reused across components, enhancing code modularity.

Implementing NgRx in an Angular Project

To implement NgRx in an Angular project, follow these steps:

  1. Install NgRx:
ng add @ngrx/store

2. Generate Actions, Reducers, and Effects:

ng generate action actions/my-action
ng generate reducer reducers/my-reducer
ng generate effect effects/my-effect

3. Update AppModule:

imports: [
StoreModule.forRoot({ myReducer: myReducer }),

4. Dispatch Actions in Components:

this.store.dispatch(myAction({ payload: data }));

5. Select Data in Components:

this.data$ = this.store.pipe(select(selectMyData));

NgRx-emp-crud-project on GitHub

To see NgRx in action, check out my GitHub project, ngrx-emp-crud-project. This project demonstrates the implementation of CRUD operations in Angular using NgRx for efficient state management.

Feel free to explore the code, contribute, or use it as a reference for your own projects. NgRx empowers you to build scalable and maintainable Angular applications with ease.



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